¿♂ or ♀?
This morning as I was getting ready for work I was doing my usual listen to the radio thing and the topic was "What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for an hour". You would have the same brain so, presumably would think the same way on things as you do now.
Guys were calling in and saying things like "I'd play with my boobs for an hour" or "I'd go have sex with the first guy I saw". Yeah, cause any girl can just walk out and say "let's have sex" to the first guy she sees and FFS, we can't stop playing with our boobs...
One guy called up and somehow they got to talking about menstrual cramps and the guy on the phone kept saying "oh, how bad could it be? it's like a charlie horse."
Yeah sure, if that particular horse is kicking you in the gut repeatedly for days... For you guys out there, think of the worst gas you've ever had and multiply it by X (with X being your tolerance for pain, or lack thereof). If you're doubled over in pain, you're almost there. Granted, they're not always this bad and it depends on where your uterus is positioned. If it's towards the back, then all of the pain I just mentioned will be centered there. Now does any of that sound like a charlie horse to you??
If I were a guy, I'd have to do the obvious thing of course, which is find some snow and go write my name, or at least see how far away I could place targets and still hit them. Next, I'd have to revel in the fact that I can go to any public place and scratch my crotch whenever I feel like it not to mention spit the yucky stuff out that I just coughed up instead of searching desperately for a tissue. I could walk around with no shirt in hot weather and not be arrested as well. (I don't understand the double standard of that...) After that, I suppose the only things left would be sex. What's it like to have an orgasm every time you have sex? hmmm the mind boggles... If I still had time left after all of that I could appreciate not wearing makeup and only having to choose between which shirt to wear with my pants. You guys don't know how easy you have it.