
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Day 4 of 12...

Today is the fourth day of the twelve days of Christmas...

So here are the results of my visit to the salon yesterday.

In honor of OrangeZen... I don't usually use color on them so it's kind of strange to look down and see them. I like it though. The scar on my hand is from when I scraped it on the side of the "Konga River" ride thing at Wild Waves (you know, where you sit in the innertube and the water pushes you around...).

I went for a lighter color this time, I usually have dark red or dark purple or some other kind of dark color. There's a saying that people whose middle toes are longer than the rest of their toes are good leaders or something like that, but I don't really buy it. I'm not very fond of my feet, but they get me where I want to go so I don't complain too much. The purple dot on my left foot is a scar from a blister I got while we were in Hawaii.

So that's pretty much that with that. Have a good day everyone.

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