I wasn't going to post this because they are lame and unimaginative but as I got to filling it out I discovered that some of the questions could have creative answers...so it's not COMPLETELY unimaginative, it's just not as cool as coming up with something on my own. I guess I could always break them down into sections (interestingly enough, the first time I typed that I typed sextions...Freudian slip and all).
name: Janelle (spell checker wants to change my name to "sanely"...HA if it only knew...)
location: right now I'm at work. in a couple of hours I'm going to pick up my daughter and we're going to paint pottery in Poulsbo (alliteration!) After that we'll probably catch something to eat that's fast-foody in nature and head home.
hair color? My hair has been described in the following ways: strawberry blonde, red, orange, pink, honey, and "it's like flourescent orange? but it's not completely red, but kind of brownish red"
eye color? blue/green
age? 29
sexiest man ever? Ewan McGregor
do you like your breasts? they're functional...what more could I ask for. my mom used to say that the perfect pair of breasts will each fit into one
champagne glass without overflowing (NOT a
champagne flute). Mine do that (yes I've tested). They are far from perfect, however.
is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Loving someone and losing them give you perspective so that when you love someone again and it's "right", you appreciate it more. I have to wonder though, how can you lose something that's not supposed to be a posession?
are you in a romantic relationship right now? yes i've been known to have them...oh, you mean NOW now? Sure. I mean, yes, I mean, really? I don't know. I mean yes...
favorite song lyric? I don't have a favorite. Right now, this second, I like "What do you mean I don't love you? I am standing here, aren't I" (Snow Patrol - Tiny Little Fractures) In 5 minutes it could be different, but that's what I like right now. My high school senior yearbook photo had a NIN lyric ("This is the only time I really feel alive") underneath it. Looking back now I don't know what posessed me to use the one I did. There are much better ones.
tell me a secret: why should I trust you with my secret? who the heck are you anyway, the CIA? if so, you probably already know my secret so BUGGER OFF.
are you a good liar? no (now you have to ask yourself, is she lying and saying no? and she really IS a good liar? or is she being truthful..ahh a woman of mystery I am...)
opinion on gay marriage? are people seriously going to sit there and complain because gay people want to get married given that divorce statistics say that OVER HALF of all marriages end in divorce?? let he who is without sin cast the first stone you FREAKING HYPOCRITS. don't rant to me about the "sactity of marriage" when over half the nation can't even manage to hang in there...
how have you changed in the past year? I've realized things about love, life and relationships...that I don't know ANYTHING about any of the above. Just when you think you have it all figured out...
favorite super hero: wonderwoman of course
favorite sport: er...um...sex. Yes that could be considered a sport. If they really wanted to boost the ratings for the Olympics, they would make it one. They could offer it as Pay Per View.
if you were an animal, what would you be? hands down, a cat
last cd you bought: Snow Patrol - Final Straw
ever been arrested? um no
ever had to have surgery? no and I hope I never do. I have an extremely huge aversion to being put under anesthetic. I'm irrationally afraid that I'm going to be one of those people you read about that were totally alert and awake during the whole surgery but were paralyzed by the anesthetic so they couldn't let anyone know.
lefty or righty: righty all the way. I usually hit a line drive just out of reach of the pitcher that lands just beyond 2nd base but not quite to right center...they call those 'tweeners and they're kind of hard to field. i often get a base hit out of it.
what would you want to do if you got drunk? usually it involves members of the opposite sex...sometimes not
do you like your name? I always liked the name Jaquinda...no not really...
what do you want to be when you grow up? a good person
favorite board game: Life. I always like it when I graduate from college AND have a kick ass job AND a family of 6...someone should have a word with the makers of this game for putting the idea of such things into our poor impressionable heads... (hehe)
favorite sound: the satisfying sound my shoes make on hard floors when I'm walking down the hall. I once was walking and another woman was walking toward me with loud shoes like mine. I started walking "louder" and she did the same. I said to her "my shoes are louder than yours!"
I don't think she understood what I was talking about...that took the fun out of my little game.
favorite smell: man just out of shower
what was the first thing you thought to yourself when you woke up this morning: is it Sunday? I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure this out...meanwhile I hit snooze.
what are you doing after you finish this? eavesdrop on Mr. Creepy talking to his girlfriend