Well now, it's been a few days....here's what's happened....
a) Uterine spasms hurt...bad.
b) It's hard to do most things when you can't even stand up straight...heating pads are good.
c) Telling your doctor about your recent 'intercourse' (or lack there of...) is embarassing for both you and the doctor...ok TMI...
d) Attempting to tell family members why you are walking around like an 80 year old women without telling them you have a uterine spasm is even more embarassing than c...
5) I thought everyone liked cookies? Why then did no one eat any of mine at the Christmas party? I thought they were good dammit!!. I will have words with the people at Food Network who sent me the 12 days of cookies recipes...
seis) Even though no one ate the cookies, I'm glad they liked the salmon...in spite of me almost setting my dad's grill on fire...
This is the cutest thing. ever.
g) I haven't wrapped a SINGLE christmas gift yet...the clock is ticking...maybe i should just go out and buy a ton of those bags.
h) I think I use too many ......'s... ... ...
New Year's resolution this year is two-fold...(dammit). ok maybe that's 3. I will stop using so many ...'s. It's annoying I know. It will be like that time I had to stop saying 'hehehe' after everything I said in IM's. I sounded like a giddy teenager (blah).
I am going to attempt to post every day in this blog. Even if it's to tell everyone to shove it.
I am going to start going to the gym. or SOMETHING. Being this fat and not carrying another human around inside me to justify me being this fat is depressing...and starting to be physically limiting. It's sad when you can barely bend over to tie your shoes, pick something up, without your legs going numb or passing out from lack of air. That may be TMI, but dammit I am fat and I seriously need to examine my exercise (HA!) and eating habits. Just a few months ago I was a religious gym go-er person...then I was a dumbass and twisted my ankle...then there was that weird leg thing where I kept getting cramps when I walked. It's way past time that I got my fat butt back to the gym...and stayed there until I resemble myself again. I no longer think I look like myself... so I'm sure people who haven't seen me in a long time, look at me and have to say 'is that her?' or 'oh my god she's really let herself go' or something equally mortifying. It's the kind of thing that you think about your self and never ever want anyone else to think about you. I admit I have had self esteem issues in the past when they were not warranted (thanks mom...), but I know that there is a serious problem and if I don't do something about it I may end up with a series of health problems that could easily be avoided.
OK now that I've gone on about that...I need to go for a walk...