Today is President's Day.
Instead of sitting around my house all day and enjoying a day off, I'm sitting around all day at work and getting paid for it.
I don't know why we still call this day President's Day. In England they don't feel the need to label all of their holidays. They just call them "bank holiday". I mean why do we need to pretend that we're honoring presidents? It's just another reason for a store to have a Presidents Day Sale or to sit around and drink or in my case to sit at work and play on my laptop. I won't complain.
A special hello to whoever found my blog by doing a search for "fuck Bremerton". I'm not sure what this person was looking for, but I'll join in with his/her sentiments...whatever they may be.
And, to the person in good ole Yulee, FL who spent 37 minutes looking through my archives, don't you have anything better to do with your time? I mean, I know you live in Yulee which is not exactly a hotbed of activity and thanks for reading and all that, but that's 37 minutes of your life that you'll never get back. And you didn't even leave a comment!
This past weekend was the yearly torture I like to call "E's sleepover birthday party". Every year she wants a sleep over for her birthday and every year she has one. She'll send out invitations to 5 or so people and we'll mark very clearly "Please RSVP at xxx-xxxx". Every year no one bothers to call until the day before or the day of the party to say whether they can come or not. When did people become so rude? When you're given an invitation that clearly states RSVP, you make a 30 second phone call to the host/hostess and say yes or no. It's quick, it's painless, and it really helps with the party planning. Every year we go through this crap and every year I say "this is the last one, there's no more after this" but something happens to my memory from one year to the next because we always find ourselves around new year starting to plan a sleepover.
This year was no exception of course and in the end we had 2 girls staying over. This is the worst thing that could happen. Having 2 girls is fine, having 4 is fine, but having 3 always ALWAYS guarantees that two of them will gang up on the 3rd and fights will break out that require parental involvement (which comes down to me saying "y'all work it out yourselves").
All in all it was a good party. I made a cake (of course).
Other than that, the weekend was fairly productive. I've packed 1 box. Only 60 more to go I reckon...