
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!

Ok, I haven't posted every day like I thought I would....
Ok, I haven't been working out every other day like I said I would (although I did make it there one day this week, I guess that says something)
Maybe I set my sights too high. Maybe I need to aim to post in this blog 'frequently' instead of every day. Maybe I need to aim for twice a week at the gym instead of 3 days during the week and one exercise day on weekends. Not a very lofty goal but maybe one I can better stick to.
I have had too much real life hitting me upside the head to post anything. Not that anyone reads it, but I like to think that maybe I might be interesting enough.
I've been theorizing about the John Titor site from last post. I've had plenty of discussions about the contents of the site so at the very least, if he's not real, then he's forced some people in the world to consider the state of our society at the moment and what the potential fallout could be. Interesting indeed.
Mr. Creepy is getting bolder in his phone chats. He talked for an hour today at low volumes about things like 'is it flexible like one of those jelly ones', 'make sure you push it all the way in there, nice and deep', and 'you like how that feels, don't you'. The fact that anyone could think they could have these discussions in such detail at work is amazing to me. Anyone walking by could have heard him. Is it none of my business? Maybe, but the fact that I was answering calls and there were 3 voice mails when I got up to go get a drink say something about how he is affecting my work day. So hasn't he then made it my business?
Going skiing this weekend for my birthday.I don't really want to go now because of various things that have happened but I think I am probably locked in since the tickets have been bought, the skis have been rented, and the reservations have been made. I am ready for less stress I suppose. What I really think I need is what my Canadian friend suggested....a weekend away from everything and everyone completely alone. I am considering it but have no clue where I would go. There's something to think about on the drive up there through the snow...

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