Instant Messenger software in the workplace. What the hay or no F@!%ing way?
Today I got 'caught" using MSN Messenger by my boss. She's kind of from old-school management that believes if you're not at your desk doing work all day every day then you are not doing your job. I beg to differ... Not only do I hardly ever use it, but if I'm getting my work done on top of using messaging software, what's the big deal? It helps me deal with work better. I've been known to ask a friend online about a problem I'm having at work and have been able to come up with solutions that way. I understand some people abuse Mr. Creepy who sits next to me, but I was just talking. I was not talking about raunchy x-rated things with someone I looked up on a Yahoo profile like Mr. Creepy. (and I have the screen shots to prove it...hmmm that gives me an idea...) It's because of Mr. Creepy though that we can't use it anymore. That and maybe a little pet peeve my other boss has about Instant Messenger. It's a 'victimlesss crime'. If she wanted to go after people who are "breaking the policy" as she put it, then why not go after Mr. Creepy who goes out to who knows where doing who knows what with who knows whom for hours at a time sometimes and who sneaks into the server room to talk to 'someone' (who is not his wife) on the phone. C''s so obvious! Then there are the long conversations he has at his desk where he talks in a mere whisper/mumble and says things like 'oh yeah, you know what I like' and 'it's getting harder'. GAWD why doesn't she go after people like him??
It won't be long before I am unable to blog at work.. THAT my friends would be a serious serious tragedy!
more later....
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