
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

house and the sheds/SATC/WW

Spamusement never disappoints.
I'm always self-conscious about laughing out loud (LOL!) at work. There have been times that I've been "caught" having a laugh at work and I sort of felt guilty. My old boss, never the confrontational type, would send me emails or call me on the phone (his office was right next to my desk) if he heard me laughing about something to ask me what I was laughing at and to tell me that it was inappropriate and to get back to work.
This would of course make me laugh even more...because of the ridiculousness of someone telling me "hey, no having fun...this is WORK".

Sex and the City is a show I love to hate. I Tivo'd it and I like to watch it just so I can yell at Carrie Bradshaw about how ridiculous it is to wear 5 inch heals to walk an overactive dog or to wear a white outfit to a country vacation in the woods (while expecting there to be air conditioning) or to expect a man who has treated her like garbage in the past to suddenly change his ways. They entire cast all seem like caricatures. Carrie is the middle aged woman who is desparately clinging to her youth (seemingly by dressing like a hooker), Miranda is the typical cynical New York lawyer who is a bit on the slow-to-warm-up side, Charlotte is the traditional naive "good girl" , and Samantha is the aging sex kitten who practically purs all of her lines. What did people see in this show? Unless of course they were all like me and love to yell at the TV...

So I'm starting the weight loss thing that's endorsed by Sara Ferguson tomorrow. I really despise telling people that I'm going to attempt to lose weight. It sets up an expectation that if I don't, it is some kind of failure on my part and I really hate that. I'm stubborn that way. After a childhood of always being told "I told you so" and lectured on and on about why something happened and what I should have done to prevent it, I REALLY hate admitting failure. I think this is a big part of a problem I have in that I always feel the need to be right. I always want to have the last word in an arguement and I'll argue it until I'm blue in the face.
Anyway, what the hell was I talking about before going off on that tangent??
Oh yes, weight loss.
The idea of losing weight is not complicated. Burn off more calories than you take in, only eat when you are hungry, don't eat a bunch crap with loads of fat and calories...seems easy enough right? What I have discovered from just under one week of "only eating when I'm hungry" is that often I want to eat things just because I like the way they taste, not particularly because I am hungry. Ice cream is one of my favoritest foods. I'm not one of those people who can buy the no fat, no calories garbage they try to pass off as ice cream and enjoy it. I have to buy the GOOD stuff because I believe if you're going to eat something that's "bad for you", don't screw around with something that tastes like cack, go for the REAL THING...just eat less of it.
The "eating less of it" is where I seem to have a problem.
So I thought I would preface the next few months (10 weeks to be exact) by warning everyone that I might be overly obsessed with what I eat. I am thinking of charting my progress (perhaps with some motivational pictures) and posting it somewhere. We'll see if that actually happens...

Hmmm...about time to go see the therapist again...

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