
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Girly stuff...

Today I'm getting my hair cut. I don't want to get much cut off of it, but it needs some layers or something so it has more movement and looks healthier I think. I am not looking forward to what the hairdresser will say when she sees that I dyed my already red hair redder. I know that the people who work in salons are not fans of you doing anything yourself (lest they be out of a job) so I'm sure I'll hear some criticisms. I think I can take it...I've gotten a lot of compliments on my new color...even if it's a tad on the too-red side...
I received my new book last night. It's called The Lucky Shopping Manual. I hate admitting that I buy things like this but sometimes I really feel that buying a girly book like this is fun and who knows, maybe I will learn a thing or two about how to get dressed in the morning. I've read just a bit of it so far and I like how they tell you what kinds of shoes to wear with skirts and what to look for when you buy tshirts and things like that. I may even do an Amazon review of it. I like this book better so far than the previous book that I got which was called The Pocket Stylist (it has an even more groan-worthy title...). I don't know why this bothers me. I don't like admitting that I don't know how to dress myself and that I think I look bad (or worse, that I need a book to tell me what every other female on the planet seems to instinctively know...). It seems to be a natural thing for most women. I've always been something of a tom-boy so doing girly things like buying books that tell you what to buy is a little outside of my comfort zone. Oh well...I need to expand my horizons...

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