
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

mmmmm donuts...

Woo hoo! 5 ft tall cake made of donuts...and they are Krispy Kremes! What could be better?

Speaking of cake. How do you like the cake I made for my cake decorating class? Now before you go and tell me that it's lame to take a cake decorating class...just you try and decorate a cake! It's not as easy as it looks.

The cake I made was banana cake with vanilla pudding in the center and almond icing. It's not perfect but it was my first cake! I'm very proud. I'm surprised I didn't totally mess it up to be honest. I have to make 2 more cakes for the class and also cakes for a birthday party this weekend so I'm sure I'll get lots of practice. Just call me Martha or something...I don't care! I like doing these silly Betty Crocker types of things.

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