
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day.

I had a little mishap while voting today.
When I got to my polling place, I discovered they had moved it to a different location. No big deal, I jumped into the car and went to the right place. I got in line and told the older gentleman my name and he said, "Uh oh, I wonder if you're one who has the name on the wrong line"
"A woman was here earlier and she signed on the wrong line..."
"So she signed by my name?"
"Here sign on this line was my fault, I couldn't tell where the line was..."

Does this sound familiar?
It should, since I posted about the same thing yesterday...the bifocal bias strikes again.

I asked if my ballot would now be thrown out because of this error and he assured me...half-heartedly...that it would be fine.

So I've done my duty as a citizen and cast my vote. I even got an exit poll, which is something that I've always wanted to do so I left a satisfied voter. The questions they ask you in the exit poll are a little silly though. They ask you who you voted for and if you think anyone else can do a better job. They also ask you the reason why you chose one candidate over another...the options were "because I think my candidate is the best qualified" and "because I am against the opposing candidate". Interesting...

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