
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

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The new fish is working great so far. He's much more lively than Jack I. My daughter wants to name him Jack II. Isn't that like betraying Jack I's memory? Will it confuse the other fish? He seems to be putting Diane in her place so that's a good sign. I had to tell him about the unfortunate demise of his predecessor...he's definatly watching his back.
In other news, I am continuing on my quest for fitness. I am barely hanging on to week 4. It's good to see progress though. I think it'll take me a little longer than 9 weeks to reach the 5k least my legs will have a shapely tone...

Why is it that guys seem to think saying the word "shit" makes them somehow seem more intelligent, or more manly or something? Even worse, why do they think they have to censor themselves in front of me? I have worked in a field that is comprised about 80% male for the last 7 years. I have heard the off-color jokes, the innuendo/harassment, the flatulence etc...I think I can handle whatever profanity they think they have to shield me from.

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