
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Christmahannakwanzakah!!

Ya like that?
How the heck are ya? Are you ready for the holiday? (whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating) I just finished up my online shopping tonight. It's a beautiful thing being able to do 80% of your shopping without even turning off the TV.
Ok so I haven't totally slipped into a coma. We have had the tree and lights up for about 3 weeks. We did all of our holiday baking. Some of the things turned out great. I highly recommend Alton Brown's Chocolate Peppermint Pinwheel cookies. We tried to make fudge about 4 times with absolutely no success. I don't understand because I used the exact recipe I used last year. It was either way dry and crumbly or it had the consistency of Nutella or peanut butter or something like that. Nothing that resembled fudge though. I did learn a few things from the experiment(s) though. Don't try to make fudge on an electric stove. Also, don't try to make fudge on a gas camp stove. Maybe it's the humidity? Or lack of?
Hehe...I'm watching Pretty Woman while I type this. They just showed the part where they're doing it on the piano...gotta do that eventually.
Anyway, not much is new. I have pictures that I've been too lazy to upload. I have had stuff to say that I've been too lazy to type out. I'll try to be better about that sort of thing. I can't believe it's been another year. Last year at Christmas I was sure we would have another little person on the way by this time. It's secretly what I wanted for Christmas (ok not secretly, but maybe inwardly). Oh well,there's always my birthday (in 2 months if anyone is counting!). I have managed to lose 5 pounds which is not really saying much because I am now back to the same weight I was before we moved to Virginia. It's an ok start for a New Year's resolution though.
Speaking of those, they are as follows:
Lose 50lbs. (I'll start with 20 and take it from there)
Exercise at least 3 days a week.
Go for walks 2 nights a week.
Finally unpack every box that I have from when we moved and either use the contents or give them away.
Purge half of my wardrobe to some other fat girl who might require "business casual" at her place of business.
Update my blog at least twice a month. I know this is a pitifully small thing, but it's something I've been meaning to keep up and just haven't because I'm a procrastinator like that.

Of all of those, only the top 2 are absolutely non-negotiable. The rest are sort of my wish to be ultra super organized. We'll see what happens.

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