
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


This morning I woke up and went downstairs where my husband was busy cleaning out our fish tank. He had the fish sitting on the counter in the pitcher labeled "FISH" on the front while he cleaned out the tank. I went on my business, got myself some juice, poured some cereal into a bowl. When I went to the fridge to get the milk I heard
"Oh shit..SHIT!"
I turned to see my husband with his hand down the garbage disposal. He had poured one of the fish down the drain! It was one of the two remaining neon tetras!
"What did you do??"
"I was trying to pour off the extra dirty water and one of them fell in!"
"If he would only stop moving around..."
"Well he can't breathe!"
I grabbed the remaining fish who were flipping around in the remaining half inch of water in the pitcher and poured them safely back into the tank.
"Why didn't you plug up the sink!? You've probably poked his eye out by now."
"You try then..."
I put my hand down and I could feel his slimy lifeless body. He was dead.I was sad. It's my fish! In the garbage disposal! He's swimming around in the pitcher one minute and the next he's down there with the bits of old potato and corn gasping for air. It must have been a horrible way to die.
I turned on the water and let it run until I couldn't feel him there anymore.
I feel stupid for being sad because of a fish, but he was one of the fighters! We had started out with 5 neon tetras and 3 had died along the way. There was only these 2 left. He made it all this way to get poured down the garbage disposal!

RIP little fish...I'm sorry my husband murdered you.

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