
Random thoughts...from a random redhead.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Doing my part for the greater good...

War On Pornography

This really sounds like a bunch of right-wing "family values" hoo ha. I agree that pornography is not the kind of thing you want your kids looking at. That is why you, as their parent, are responsible for monitoring and/or limiting what they do see on the Internet. It's not rocket science folks. The computer is not the babysitter. It's not just like TV where you can sit them down in front of it and walk away (although you shouldn't be doing THAT either...). When are people going to wake up and realize that the way to keep children from being exposed to things they shouldn't be exposed to is by taking an active part in their lives, NOT by trying to censor what everyone else sees??

Radios, computers, and TV's have these neat little things called OFF buttons. If you don't like what you are seeing or hearing...USE IT!

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